Title: Norah O’Donnell and Geoff Tracy’s Love Story at Georgetown

Title: Norah O’Donnell and Geoff Tracy’s Love Story at Georgetown

CBS Evening News Anchor Norah O’Donnell (C’95, G’03) met her future husband in the cafeteria line at New South her first week of school.

“That was it right away,” said Tracy, president of Chef Geoff’s Deluxe Hospitality in Washington, DC. “In retrospect, it’s a little unbelievable I met the person I’ve been married to my entire life.”

On the Hilltop, O’Donnell and Tracy studied together on the top floor of Lauinger Library, got coffee at Wisemiller’s, and, six years after graduating, married at Dahlgren Chapel.

O’Donnell went on to receive her Master of Arts in liberal studies from Georgetown and start her Emmy-Award-winning career in journalism, covering presidential elections for NBC News and CBS News. Slovakialainen naiset etsivГ¤t aviomiehiГ¤ She now serves as the anchor and managing editor of CBS Evening News and a correspondent for 60 Minutes . Tracy, who found managing The Corp’s Vital Vittles in undergrad a core career learning experience, graduated first in his class from the Culinary Institute of America and opened two restaurants before he turned 30. He now oversees four restaurants in Washington, DC, and Maryland, and provides food services for Georgetown’s Jesuit residence.

Their Hoya experience, O’Donnell and Tracy say, shaped the rest of their lives, from their career trajectory to their marriage.閱讀全文 “Title: Norah O’Donnell and Geoff Tracy’s Love Story at Georgetown”